Is A Boiler The Right Choice For Your Home? 3 Benefits Of A Boiler
The Comfort Bear can’t let another moment go by without suggesting that you consider a boiler installation!
The Comfort Bear can’t let another moment go by without suggesting that you consider a boiler installation!
When it comes to home comfort, the Comfort Bear would like to ignore strange noises coming from appliances in the home—but ultimately this would be a bad idea.
We believe that what our customers have to say is much more important than the tools in the toolbox.
With no air being able to escape your home, contaminants like dust, dirt, pollen and pet dander get trapped inside with you.
If there’s anything the Comfort Bear can’t stand during the summer, it is air conditioning problems that lead to discomfort.
Did you know that you can turn your home into a safe haven, free from the discomfort of high humidity, with the simple addition of a whole-house dehumidifier?
Unless my air conditioner is displaying the right combination of issues, there’s really no reason to have my AC replaced so soon—and neither should you!
Comfort Bear discovers that there’s no reason to feel bad about letting go of an old furnace.
Some first-time heat pump owners may be a bit surprised with how their systems are operating—especially if they’ve been using a furnace their whole life.
Here are some of the common safety issues you can look out for with your own furnace.
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