Why You Need A Home Plumbing Inspection?
If you’ve been following the Comfort Bear and our blog here for very long, you might have noticed some changes. The biggest one would be the change to our name! In our efforts to service your entire home and bring ultimate comfort to your living space, you can now not only contact our team for expert HVAC professionals but reach out any time you need a plumber in Lee’s Summit, MO, too!
We don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty great to the Comfort Bear.

Of course, any plumbing system can only work as well as expected if it’s properly installed and cared for. Part of that care means having your plumbing system inspected and maintained. Why so? Read on!
We Can Help You Catch Problems Before They Start!
Plumbing issues can show themselves in many different ways, but the most common way is through leaks. These can range in severity from faucet drips to massive pipe ruptures, but whatever the case, it’s always better to avoid problems, right?
The problem with letting leaks go is that our plumbing systems are, for the majority, hidden behind walls and beneath floorboards. This means significant water damage can happen before we even notice we have a problem in our household.
The Comfort Bear knows that professional plumbing maintenance sessions give your plumbing pros the chance to locate and resolve problems with your plumbing system before they have the opportunity to create serious problems like rotting drywall or even a cracked foundation. This is the best way to ensure your plumbing system stays in good shape for as long as possible—plus, maintenance increases the efficiency of your plumbing system.
“When Should I Schedule Plumbing Maintenance?”
Unlike HVAC systems, plumbing systems don’t have seasons during the year when they are put under more pressure than others. So, there’s no right time of the year to schedule such a service. But if it’s been an entire year since your plumbing system has been checked by a professional, the time to schedule maintenance is now!
How To Tell When You Need Plumbing Repair?
Of course, even with maintenance, there’s a chance you could need plumbing repair. And like we mentioned above, it’s not always obvious when this is the case. So, it’s important that you learn to keep an eye out for any symptoms that could indicate your system is dealing with a problem.
You might not be able to prevent all the damage the issue will create, but you can at least mitigate the worst of the damage. Common signs include:
- A drop in water pressure.
- Unusual spikes in monthly water bills.
- Obvious signs of water damage.
- The strong smell of mold or mildew.
- Water meter running when all water appliances are off.
- Visible leaks.
- The sound of running water when no plumbing appliances are on.
Should you notice any of the above signs, or are concerned about your plumbing for any reason, please don’t hesitate to give our team a call!
For “Comfort and Care from the Team with the Bear,” contact Climate Control Heating and Cooling, Inc. today!